Data analytics and visualization

Focus on data quality and representations for diverse stakeholders

Data science is essential in understanding complex systems, making predictions,and providing decision-makers with information they can act upon. To employ innovative data collection and analysis techniques in solving problems, we work on making sure that the data and methods in use can be trusted and that the technologies that are being maintained and developed can be sustainably used and deployed beyond the developed world.

D2I engages in projects that study various dimensions of the coupled social and natural systems and develops novel approaches to observing such systems at high spatial and temporal resolutions.

Selected Publications

  • Trevor Edelblute, Angela Zoss, and Inna Kouper. 2018. Subject headings and beyond: Mapping the HathiTrust Digital Library content for wider use. HTRC UnCamp 2018. Retrieved from
  • Angela Zoss, Trevor Edelblute, and Inna Kouper. 2017. Data quality, transparency and reproducibility in large bibliographic datasets. Annual Meeting of the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology IASSIST-2017 (pdf)
  • Inna Kouper, Angela Zoss, Trevor Edelblute, Michael Boyles, and Hamid Ekbia. 2016. Mental Disorders Over Time: A Dictionary-Based Approach to the Analysis of Knowledge Domains. iConference 2016 Proceedings, iSchools.