
Bringing distinction to the state of Indiana

Science can be intriguing, art can be beautiful, and great works of literature can be insightful. But a technology R&D organization should also give back some more tangible benefits to the state and nation. Part of the justification for PTI is that it will aid economic growth.

The taxpayers of Indiana and the US provide some of the money that drives PTI research and services—through contributions to the IU budget via state income taxes, and through federal taxes that support US grant-giving agencies.

Economic impact


PTI regularly wins competitions for federal grants, and through those grants creates high quality, well-paying jobs in Indiana. So far, PTI has added more than 500 job-years worth of employment within Indiana. 

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IU’s overall grant competitiveness

PTI aids the grant competitiveness of IU researchers overall through access to advanced technology and high-speed networks that speed discovery and facilitate collaboration.

PTI offers several services and resources to aid IU faculty members in writing competitive proposals as well.

High impact scientific projects

Research projects, scholarship, and artistic works enabled by PTI have been featured in a number of news items and highlights.

See a chronological list of highlights

Displays at national and international conferences

One of the biggest and most important conferences in the world is the annual SC conference, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis held each November in the US. Since 1997, IU has demonstrated advanced IT-oriented research to now tens of thousands of visitors over the years.